5 Signs Someone Might Need More Help At Home

Do you have an elderly parent or relative who is living by themselves? Are they still of a mindset that they can manage everything by themselves, even though you can see that there may be an issue?

You aren’t alone! Many older people find the idea of accepting help from friends, family or helpers to be demeaning and may have concerns about what it means. Of course, as the relative of someone who may be struggling, you don’t want them to be in this position and will likely want to offer as much help as you can. 

So, if you aren’t sure if someone may need more help to manage themselves, or their home, read on here, you will be walked through some of the key things to look out for.

1. Their Hygiene is Worsening

There are many reasons why an older person’s hygiene may be worsening. They may be feeling stiff and thus unable to clean themselves as well. It may be that their washing machine has broken down, and they don’t want to ask for help, hence their clothes are dirty. Either way, if you notice that they look unclean, then it is time to intervene. There are professionals who can come into the home and assist if you cannot, so aim to contact Alinahomecare.com for more information about home help.

2. Their Home Is Becoming Messier

Much like the worsening hygiene, this can point to issues with mobility and/or mental health. A lot of older people can fall into the habit of hoarding items, which is usually a symptom of anxiety. However, if you have noticed that their home is becoming more cluttered or messier, then it is worth asking for expert help to clear the mess. If you suspect that your loved one is feeling anxious and is therefore hoarding, try to explore these issues delicately and seek professional help if needed.

3. They Are Having More Accidents

Falls in the home are never a good thing and if your elderly relative is falling more often, then you and they will need to have a talk about accessibility. This could involve fitting grab rails, putting in more lighting and making sure that the rugs in the home are slip-proof. If the kind of accidents that they are having are toilet-related, then it is worth calling in some professional, medical-based help, such as a home help team to help maintain the proper level of hygiene for their health.

4. Memory Loss

Is memory loss a cause for concern? After the age of 65, many people experience cognitive decline, which is normal and can usually be managed with phone reminders and notes. However, if you suspect an illness like Alzheimer’s is at play, then your relative is going to need the support of the family, a doctor and a care team to stay in their home.

5. Reduction in Mobility

Again, if your relative is finding it harder to move around their home, then grab rails and other pieces of accessibility equipment will need to be bought into the home to help them get around. It can also be worth ensuring that a carer checks in on them during the day to make sure that they have not fallen and to escort them out to appointments or meetings with friends if needed.



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